We discover, add our unique angle, and then write about the hottest, newest technologies. We also create articles that discuss what's happening on the Internet, covering artificial intelligence, computer networks, data security, cloud computing, and then giving people practical tips that can help make their tech-related life easier.
Everything started back in 1985, when the U.S. Federal Communications Commission released the first Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio band for unlicensed use. The band was supposed to be used for industrial, scientific and medical purposes, but people and companies have started to use it for short-range, low power communications as well, because they could utilize these frequencies without needing a government license.
Let's fast-forward to 1997, when the first version of the 802.11 protocol was released. It offered speeds of less than 2 Mbps, which was good enough for most people's needs, in an Internet age in which multimedia features and dynamic web programming languages were virtually inexistent. Nevertheless, a new iteration of the same protocol boosted the speed to 11 Mbps only two years later, and the rest, as they say, is history. We are currently living in the 802.11ac/Wi-Fi 5 era, and we're spoiled with wireless connections which have speeds that can exceed 500 Mbps. Still, the soon-to-be-released Wi-Fi 6 hardware promises to move our data with up to 10 Gbps.
It looks like there's no turning back: most cell phone carriers are implementing their own 5G networks. But what is 5G, and how will it help us? Here's everything you need to know about it. In a nutshell, 5G is an advanced wireless technology. It's the 5th generation of cellular wireless networks, and it is supposed to be about 10 times faster than the current (4G LTE) network. With 5G, you will get access to a mobile connection that's on par with the fiber-optic Internet cable in your home.
Until recently, big companies were practically forced to build their own powerful servers, which were used to store the data for hundreds of thousands of customers, billions of financial transactions, and so on. These days, cloud service providers are the ones who build huge computer farms, install virtualization software on their servers, and then allow customers to choose the desired computing resources. With cloud computing, a huge computing power is made available to businesses of all sizes and to individuals over the Internet.
ZDNet has created a series of articles which highlight the key things that have significantly enhanced our lives. These are, according to their research, the tech advances which have proven to be very helpful for all of us:
- Optical fiber cables
- Telephones
- Moving pictures
- Radio waves transmissions
- Robots
- Smartphones
- Computers
- Tablet PCs
- Wi-Fi
- Etc.
ELON MUSK REVEALS NEURALINK Neuralink, the project which aims to connect human brains to computers, has the potential to offer fantastic healthcare benefits. If everything works as planned, clinical trials could start next year.
USING THE CLOUD FOR POST-PRODUCTION People who create movies need predictable timetables. The cloud gives these folks access to super powerful computers for cheap. If time is more important than money, this is the ideal solution.
TRACKING THE MOST DANGEROUS HACKERS The Pentagon awarded Microsoft a huge contract to upgrade and host its cloud. There is a huge challenge for the Redmond software giant, though: will it manage to keep Pentagon's systems safe?
COMPARING CLOUD BACKUP SERVICES Everyone agrees that data backups are essential. But how should you store the data? And will the company you've entrusted your precious info take all the needed security precautions to protect it?